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Today is March 7, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Town And Country, MO

location-map Town And Country, MO | (314) 287 5867

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

Sometimes we move into a season of life where we realize something needs to change. We don’t always know what that change is, but we sense that without it, we may not be able to move forward. Therapy is the exploration and healing of that season of life. We have a tendency to repeat old patterns that don’t get us to our goal, but struggle to come up with a different path. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. In fact, it means that a part of you believes deeply that the way you’re doing things is helpful, even though the end result doesn’t seem so wonderful! Let’s try to create a path to freedom together! View 5 Photos Aisha is a trained trauma and Eating Disorder therapist. Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Humans can have relationship trauma, physical trauma, sexual trauma, emotional trauma etc. Through a technique known as EMDR, Aisha works to help challenge those thoughts, feelings, and distressing events. As a client, I want you to feel heard, supported, and challenged. Reaching out is hard. My hope for every client is that they find a way to thrive in the world rather than just fight to survive. As a dietitian, Aisha incorporates intuitive eating as a way to prevent food from being used as a coping mechanism. Food is one part of our day, not all of it!

location-map Town And Country, MO | (314) 270 1762

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

Your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are valuable clues in learning how to challenge yourself to change. Sometimes we notice frustration or conflict before we feel the emotions of hurt, anxiousness, disappointment or a sense of loss within ourselves or our relationships. Learning to find yourself, and/or create a more positive relationship with your partner may be a goal you’ve been striving for and feeling like you just can’t get there after multiple tries. We weren't made to figure out the challenges of life alone. Your needs are important and working together to find the “aha” moments to be ready for change are possible. I can help you get to the core meaning of the clues your emotions, your body, and your relationships are giving you. What my clients say is that my approach immediately creates a sense of relief that “someone gets it” and starts an excitement to look at the whys and hows of what they feel so they can allow space for change. Learning new coping strategies to soothe your worry, generate hope, and find purpose is key when looking for insight into how we connect with ourselves and then how we approach life with others. I look forward to collaborating with you and providing you the encouragement, support, and tools you are looking for as you become the person you want to be.

location-map Town And Country, MO | (314) 329 8925

Accepting New Clients

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Invest some time in you; let me help guide you in getting to the core of what is driving all of that anxiety, sadness, or guilt. Maybe there is something that has been bothering you for a long time. Something you thought would go away, or something people would tell you to just "get over", but only gets worse. What is that roadblock that is keeping you from feeling your best (or like your old self)? I promise you, we can find it. I offer a free phone consultation, and I look forward to hearing how I can help you. The three approaches I utilize most are cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy, and motivational interviewing. I have extensive, specialized training in all of these modalities. However, I do draw upon other techniques and theories to create a custom fit. Individualized treatment planning and flexibility are key components in my work. I believe, a good therapist comes with a multitude of techniques and traits. Finding the right one is very important.I have built my craft on the core principles of respect, confidentiality,