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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hancock, MS
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There are days where life sucks and sometimes things keep you stuck so you can't enjoy the life you desire. LHC is black owned, women and veteran led practice that offers marriage, sex therapy for adults and depression, anxiety and family trauma for teens-this also includes family therapy. Our goal is to help bring joy to your life, family and relationships. Managing your marriage and family is hard. With the weight of work, children (and their challenges) it is hard to even take care of yourself-we get it. This is where we step in-as marriage and family therapists. We have a staff that not only works with your marriage, but also your children. With a staff of a black, female therapists, we pride ourselves on meeting you where you are, so you can be fully vulnerable and heard. In order therapy to work, the client- therapist relationship is key. We offer free 10 minute consults to see if we are a fit. We offer in person and virtual options for TEXAS and virtual-only for MS.
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