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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lee, MS
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Counseling is about establishing a safe and trusting relationship wherein the client feels comfortable speaking about and exploring the unknown or the scary, practicing communication skills, and realizing their own strengths and potential - assets which they can then utilize to overcome any of life’s challenges and stressors. Over the last few years, I’ve worked with individuals of all ages and families with vastly different backgrounds, needs, strengths, diagnoses, and goals to become their best selves. I believe anyone and everyone is capable of enhancing their wellness and living a life they find enjoyable and full of meaning. I work to create a safe therapeutic space where ANY topic can be explored without judgment and clients can learn to become their own biggest advocates. The mission is to question, dismantle, and prune that which no longer serves them while also working to identify and enhance their preexisting strengths. The goal is not to fix but to grow, authentically. I am forever amazed and grateful that I have found myself in this career. This is a task I do not take lightly. It is an honor to help as I have been helped countless times. I would love to be a part of your journey towards a more holistically-well and personally-meaningful life.
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