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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rankin, MS
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You’re stressed and filled with anxiety. Your thoughts are negative and you lack self-confidence. Intrusive thoughts keep distracting you from what you need to do each day. You worry too much - maybe you've even become worried about how much you worry. Do you want to learn to lower the volume of the anxiety? Do you hope to gain some perspective about all the worries keeping you awake at night? Have you tried to manage emotions by stuffing them deep inside? Or maybe your emotions are all over the place and you aren't sure what you are feeling. There is hope! It is possible to retrain your brain and to develop different ways of thinking about life. I can help you become more aware of the connection between thoughts and feelings. We can work together on putting words to emotions. I would love to work with you and help you learn to manage these thoughts and stressful emotions. I have years of experience beginning with a background leading Christian recovery groups and now as a licensed counselor offering private therapy services. I offer telehealth services via video to adults living in Mississippi or North Carolina. Telehealth only - insurance accepted for NC clients only at this time. Call or email for more information.
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