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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Craven, NC
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I use family systems theory and take a dynamic approach to helping individuals understand the nature and course of his or her presenting symptoms. Additionally, I believe in helping individuals develop concrete methods of coping with symptoms that result in lasting change. I therefore also provide a cognitive behavioral approach, utilizing principles from Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). Using the above methods of change, I have experience treating the following difficulties: Anger Issues, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Grief, Behavioral Disorders in Adolescents, Relationship and Marital Issues, Communication difficulties in families, Abuse and Trauma, Self-esteem, Codependency I also offer comprehensive family assessments to individuals and their families. I also believe that a single provider will likely find it challenging to work with such a comprehensive system. I therefore work closely with other like-minded professionals and utilize a "team" approach to treat the whole "system". When working with children and adolescents, I feel the family is the most powerful force in the child's life. Thus, the best means to serve a child is through his or her family and/or immediate caregivers.
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