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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Edgecombe, NC

location-map Edgecombe , NC | (757) 704 5558

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Licence Information:

14177 | North Carolina

location-map Edgecombe , NC | (252) 787 7195

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First of all, you are not crazy! You may be under a “crazy” amount of stress, but you are not crazy. Good on you for trying to get help! We all need someone to talk with sometimes and get things out of our system to find ourselves again. For 12 years, I have been obtaining experiences to enable my work with college students, adults, essential workers, healthcare professionals and clients for mental health concerns. I began with studying music therapy, transitioned into family and community services, then career counseling, college counseling, and academic counseling with healthcare students and professionals. In individual therapy I can help with : Relationship Issues, Low Self Esteem, Anxiety Grief , Depression, Learning Disabilities, Career /Academic Counseling, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Panic Disorder; In Couple Therapy I can help with issues related to: First Time Parents, Empty Nesters, Military and Cross-Cultural couples Maybe your background does not fit either the college student/young adult or healthcare professional, and that is completely fine! I am ready to journey with you as you work towards the best version of yourself. When you are ready, I would be happy to consult and see if we may be a good fit for a therapeutic relationship. Looking forward to it!

location-map Edgecombe , NC | (252) 618 1544

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Meredith specializes in the assessment and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety, OCD, depression, sleep problems, issues related to divorce/custody, disruptive behavior, AD/HD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning difficulties, eating disorders, substance abuse, and gender/sexuality.