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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Forsyth, NC
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Quirky, queer, sensitive, creative and neurodivergent people often wonder why daily living and achieving “success” appears so much easier for others. You may struggle with; focus and organization, intense emotions, burnout, developing rewarding relationships, meeting goals, or a demoralized self-image You are not alone my friend! In fact 1 in 6 people are neurodivergent and we really do learn and think differently and need a different approach to therapy. Clients come to me when they are interested in working with their brains and not against them. My approach is playful, pragmatic and immediately helpful. As a neurodiversity paradigm allied and credentialed clinician I specialize in helping quirky and highly sensitive adults find their unique career and lifestyle niche, including pursuing advanced degrees. To learn more about me and my practice please check out my professional website. Please note that I do not take insurance at this time. I offer HIPPA compliant teletherapy counseling and coaching services as a registered psychotherapist in Vermont and a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina. Upon request I can provide parent, family and school consultation services worldwide. Please email me to setup a consultation.
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Are you interested in holistic health? Are you searching for more purpose in your life? Are your relationships unfulfilling? Do you feel disconnected to yourself and others? I help clients create a life and relationships that are more in line with what they value and feel more nourishing on a soul level. I specialize in working with couples and relationships, both with self and others. Through taking a holistic and systemic approach you can strengthen your mind-body-spirit connection. I help heal both individuals and relationships so that they can be the best that they can be. I work with numerous clients who are "soul searching" and are motivated to transform their lives. I also help premarital couples prepare for marriage, and assist longer term relationships to reestablish connection with each other, improve communication, co-parent more effectively, and increase trust. I am an LGBTQ ally.
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