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Today is March 13, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Johnston, NC

location-map Johnston , NC | (919) 912 5736

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If you have been through a serious loss or the death of someone you love, you know that there is no easy fix for grief. And time alone does NOT heal all wounds. Talk therapy can help. Integrative grief therapy takes talk therapy to the next level. Integrative means bringing all the pieces together to create something whole. This specialized type of therapy addresses your unique experience of grief and loss, and how it has affected all aspects of your life: Past, present, future, body, mind, and spirit. View 4 Photos Plan: First, we will look at your past (without dwelling on it!), while also evaluating how things are going for you right now. Your loss has changed your life in real ways! Next, we work together to create a customized framework that will improve your everyday life. Finally, we focus on what you want for your future and practical ways for you to get there. After a serious loss, life will never be the same. I can help you move forward without losing your past. You are ready for change and you want results ASAP. You want to feel strong and in control of your life again. You want to learn practical skills to use at work and home. Help is here. Let's get started. Call today for your free consultation!