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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kings Mountain, NC
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Kings Mountain, NC | (704) 769 2607
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My specialty areas include anxiety and depression management, ADHD, and trauma. I take pride in helping individuals find solutions to difficulties they encounter to live happy healthy lives. My therapeutic style is empathetic and warm while focused on building on clients' strengths to help them heal from the past and find solutions for the future. My overall goal in therapy is to help clients acknowledge their problems and then focus on positive solutions that allow them to feel better and do better. Other specialty areas include Anxiety, depression, trauma, Substance Use, ADHD, and gender identity issues. I utilize evidence-based training to include EMDR, CBT, and Solution Focused Therapy to help individuals resolve trauma, depression, anxiety, and other challenges. I have a very good understanding of individuals from diverse backgrounds and enjoy working with individuals to assist with sorting through the challenges they encounter.
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