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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Pender, NC
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Do you worry excessively, expect the worst, or feel constantly on edge? Are you wondering if you'll really receive the help you need to start living differently? The Feel Better Co. specializes in helping clients overcome anxiety and trauma related challenges. If you're feeling any of the above symptoms in addition to restlessness, fatigue, muscle tension, irritability, increased heart rate, sleep disturbance, to name a few, we can help. At The Feel Better Company (FBC), we value Insight, Healing, and Transformation. We believe ALL clients have the innate intelligence, and emotional strength to heal longstanding wounds, and increase awareness of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. FBC accepts and honors all aspects of the human condition. Through a collaborative process, we journey to uncover core emotional wounds and shine a light on the survival strategies that have served as protectors in your past but are now creating barriers in your present. We believe in taking the journey with clients to achieve a greater sense of meaning and purpose, enhanced authenticity, and a feeling of wholeness.
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