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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Randolph, NC
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Randolph , NC | (845) 379 2002
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Hello, I’m Karin Connelly, PhD—a Clinical Psychologist with over 30 years of psychotherapy experience. I’ve worked with people of all ages—from infancy to old age—across various settings—from early intervention & special education to psychiatric hospitals, clinics & skilled nursing facilities. I've had the privilege to work alongside many other professionals with different perspectives—from physical & speech therapy to music & art to medicine & social work. My approach is to attend to both the immediate and longstanding patterns of our lives. I bring the breadth and depth of my experience to my work in private practice. I work with adults and adolescents (NY & NC) who may be suffering in their relationships or work, feeling overwhelmed by stress or trauma, weighted down by feelings of depression, lost to anxiety and worry, or any experience that calls for support and guidance. Being heard and validated sets the foundation for working towards clarity and a richer potential. Together, we can create a safe and imaginative space for deeply listening and reflecting, building skills and strategies, and fostering awareness, confidence, and balance in moving towards greater freedom and joy.
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