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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rutherford, NC
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Rutherford , NC | (828) 522 9213
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Are you struggling with your mood, codependency, relationship issues, struggles with life transitions? Is your relationship not where you'd like it to be? I help individuals with this topics and others. Therapy aims to increase the sense of well-being and success in life. Therapy/counseling can help alleviate your suffering, can help you create the change in your life that you've longed for or can help you accept that which you are struggling against. You do not need to continue to suffer or struggle. Let me help you. Call to make an appointment now, don't put it off any longer. Do you want to help ensure the success of your relationship? Healthy appropriate communication is key to a healthy happy relationship. Call now . Past client describe me as easy to talk to even when the topic is difficult. I tend to be pretty straight forward but kind, at the same time, you call the shots, the goals are yours and I simply help you achieve them.
7512S | North Carolina
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