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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Buffalo, NE
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Hello & Welcome! My office has gone online with services. Online Counseling & Coaching allows you to meet with your counselor from the convenience, comfort, and privacy of your own home, office, or preferred location. I use an encrypted site for all of my appointments, which includes at the time issued meetings that are password protected. All appointments are generated by an invite by email. Payments are processed before the time of services by an email generated PayPal invoice. This is an easy payment method and you do not have to have a PayPal account to pay invoices. You will need a phone or computer with video and audio. View 6 Photos I am an Independent Mental Health Practitioner licensed through the State of Nebraska. In the twenty-six years as a counselor, twenty-one were spent in the church setting. I am a Certified Grief & Loss Coach and a Certified Professional Mediation Counselor. I am self-employed in a Christian Counseling and Coaching practice called The Barnabas Bridge. I am here to assist in strengthening your walk and come alongside you as an experienced counselor and coach. I have extensive expertise in counseling individuals and couples, group work and studies, and grief and loss. After the first session, clients are given an intake called The Transformed Life Model that helps them recognize areas that need addressed.
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Are you tired of feeling like life will never get better? That you’ll always be impacted by memories from your past? That the anxiety, depression, self-doubt, guilt, relationship problems, or physical pain will never go away? Feel like you should be able to “just get over it”? You’ve come to the right place—there is hope! Did you know trauma comes in all forms and can impact people very differently? Complex trauma can develop due to multiple distressing events that typically happen over a period of time. Or trauma can be a single event such as a car accident, animal bite, complicated surgery, or traumatic birthing experience. I specialize in working with clients who are struggling from traumatic and distressing events. I primarily utilize Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques. I was trained in EMDR in 2015 and over the years have found EMDR to be very effective in helping clients in the healing process. The good news is if you’re ready to put in the work, you can heal from these experiences and move forward in your life! I would love the opportunity to be part of your journey to creating a more fulfilling life. To check my availability or schedule an appointment visit my online scheduler at or call/email my office today!
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I have a passion for working with individuals who may have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, trauma, substance use disorders, and child/adolescent behavioral disorders. I also have experience working with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, both in children and adults. Finding a therapist that you click with and feel comfortable with is key! I feel like all my clients are the experts of their own lives, but sometimes needs assistance navigating new experiences.
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