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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Asbury Park, NJ

location-map Asbury Park, NJ | (551) 209 0896

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DIVORCE - Going from "I Do", to "I Don't", to "I’m Divorced" is something that people don’t anticipate when they get married. However, it is estimated that nearly fifty percent of marriages end in divorce and divorce is ranked as the second most stressful life event a person can experience. Thinking about getting separated, going through the process, and learning how to transition into post-divorce life is a difficult road - and is overwhelming. I can help you navigate this road. Your marriage may be ending but your life isn't over. Every end is a new beginning. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Divorce Coach. I specialize in working with individuals involved in the various stages of divorce. Through my education, experience and my own personal journey, I am in a unique position to help people impacted by divorce in individual, couple and group settings. I provide non-judgmental support for managing the range of emotions and dealing with uncertainty and change. My clients and I work together to help develop the clarity needed to make the best decisions for their future. I accompany them on their path and prepare them to successfully move into and blossom in the next phase of their lives.