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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Atlantic Highlands, NJ

location-map Atlantic Highlands, NJ | (732) 333 8408

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Are you struggling with work or family stress, a personal loss, depressed mood, or anxiety? Does a past traumatic experience continue to haunt you? Are you abusing pain killers, booze, or other drugs and just can't seem to stop? If so, I can help. You will find me friendly, gentle, caring, and result-oriented. I've helped other adults, teens, and children overcome depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse...and can do the same for you. If you are ready for peace and healing in your life, call me anytime at 908.461.5829. I accept most major insurance. Traumatic experiences--physical or sexual abuse, military combat, natural or man-made disasters, or other horrific events--produce long-term effects including flashbacks, panic, depression, anger, guilt, and substance abuse. I employ Eye Movement Densitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)--a proven, neuropsychological intervention--to help you overcome effects of psychological trauma. I believe that all persons, whatever their circumstances, have an inner spark, a desire to overcome whatever obstacles they face and achieve personal growth. My role is to provide help, support, and guidance in your journey of self-discovery.