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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In East Orange, NJ

location-map East Orange, NJ | (732) 641 6285

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Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or struggling with your self-worth as a Black woman? Wondering how to break free from always being "the strong friend" or heal some of those generational curses? If these challenges resonate with you, it might be time to seek support from a therapist who truly understands. Together, we can work on a plan to help you find relief and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Keep reading to find out how connecting with me today can be a transformative step in your life. With extensive training and experience, I specialize in guiding Black women through the complexities of anxiety, self-esteem issues, identity struggles, and other impacts of generational trauma. We'll collaborate to redefine your narrative, shifting from limitations to empowerment, and addressing not just symptoms but the root causes of your distress. To get started, simply submit your request here on Psychology Today or visit my website to schedule a consultation call. Let's work together to bring positive change to your life. Please note, health insurance is Not accepted. My services are self-pay ($150 per 50-min session) and virtual only. I look forward to connecting with you!