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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Far Hills, NJ

location-map Far Hills, NJ | (908) 444 0175

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I have a specialty in life coaching. This can include transitions, performance, work-life balance, mentoring, helping the techs improve their people skills, and a favorite, "say what you mean mean what you say" good old communication issues. And of course, the heart of it all, relationship issues. Coaching is often short term, goal focused, and action oriented on your part. Your success will depend on your willingness to define, take risks, and try new approaches. Like any human endeavor, life coaching can involve feelings of distress and frustration that accompany the process of change. Your life is up to you, you define your success. In addition, I am also a licensed therapist with training, experience in diagnosing and treating psychological conflicts. You have the benefit of my many years of experience with the human condition. Coaching also involves knowledge of human behavior, motivations, behavioral and organizational change, interactive techniques, and developing major goals you can, plan, implement, and maintain. My strengh is taking you on this journey in a warm and trusting environment. It is important to remember this is a professional relationship.