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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hudson, NJ

location-map Hudson , NJ | (848) 229 9613

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Have you been feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stuck? Chronic stress and anxiety do not have to control your life. I work with people looking to transform anxiety, and improve self-esteem, relationships, and their quality of life. Therapy is a space to develop more awareness and understanding, develop skills to improve mental health, and connect to your strengths. I value a collaborative therapeutic relationship that helps you move through your life with more confidence and ease. I use a traditional talk therapy approach with a strong therapeutic relationship as the foundation. I incorporate other therapies, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), guided imagery, and EMDR depending on the needs of the client. I offer the space, guidance, and support to work through your unique challenges, as well as nurture your unique strengths. Please reach out if you have questions. I look forward to speaking with you.