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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mercer, NJ

location-map Mercer , NJ | (202) 517 0126

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From 0 Reviews

Welcome. At various times in our lives we all end up feeling sad, angry, anxious, or lost. Sometimes we end up in unhealthy patterns: doubting our self-worth, obsessing about the past or the future, lashing out at others, or isolating ourselves. So many of our unhelpful behaviors protect us in the short-term, but leave long-term costs. I'm a clinical social worker and I provide help with these and other issues. The core of my training has been to meet you where you are--mentally and emotionally--and help you find effective techniques to overcome adversity, feel better, and move on with your life. In session I speak plainly and genuinely, use kindness and humor, and bring a nonjudgmental and collaborative attitude. Currently I only offer remote/telehealth therapy. Therapy should be available to everyone who needs it. To assist with that, I also offer discounts to people who are either especially vulnerable (refugees, torture survivors, transgender people, etc) or do work to benefit the public good (teachers, EMT’s, community organizers, firefighters, nurses, BLM protesters, etc). Please contact me with any questions!

location-map Mercer , NJ | (609) 849 5532

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Are you a high achiever? But despite how much you have accomplished, you still feel that you are hindered by low self-esteem? Do you often feel confused or ashamed when thinking about your childhood experiences? I understand how isolated you may feel when you are not able to get the help you need. Isolation leads to feelings of loneliness and that heavy feeling is such a huge burden to carry. Imagine working with a warm, compassionate, and validating therapist, who can hold your hand, while processing your childhood stories with you. Together, we make the unconscious conscious, and eventually, help you become your authentic self. While I have expertise in many therapeutic approaches, I believe in tailoring therapy to my clients, because everyone is unique. I specialize in working with high-achieving individuals and those of multi- ethnic, cultural, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds. I believe therapy is a collaborative teamwork and I look forward to working with you to untangle the stories of your life, help you regain your confidence, and develop healthy relationships with others.