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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In North Bergen, NJ
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North Bergen, NJ | (551) 291 2307
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Are you someone whose life looks “good” from the outside, and yet it still feels like something is missing? You’ve accomplished a lot in life, but don’t feel the sense of fulfillment you expected. A big life change—maybe a breakup, new job, new marriage, change in family dynamic, or move—has highlighted the fact that you’re still not as happy or content as you want to be. Something is telling you that you need to make a shift (even if you’re not quite sure what it is). You want to gain deeper insight into yourself & your past experiences, and you’re ready to change your “default setting” and start creating new patterns in your life. Clients come to me needing someone who can help get to the root of their problems, because therapy is a place where you find peace beyond just what’s wrong today. Therapy sessions are a combination of talking and exercises—whatever makes sense for you. We will always go at your pace, never pushing to places you’re not ready to be. Here, you can show up as your raw, vulnerable, & authentic self—so that, eventually, you can feel confident being that true self outside of therapy, too. You’re the expert in your life, and I’m here to guide you and help you get curious about yourself to create change, growth, and a more fulfilling life. Reach out to schedule a free consult today.
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