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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Old Bridge, NJ

location-map Old Bridge, NJ | (732) 361 2914

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Welcome to Sol Center! The name Sol Center was created with multiple meanings in mind. Sol means sun and is pronounced soul; the spiritual part of someone. Center is a physical place of business, while also referring to an incredibly serene balance within oneself. Helping others has been an innate, lifelong passion that I’m blessed to call my profession. If you are unsure of what may be going on with you or your child, I will help guide you towards clarity on next steps for you or your child's unique journey. I believe that the power to change is already within you. The Sol approach is that the mind, body and soul are one and should be treated in unison. Holistic, mindfulness based, and client-centered practices such as lifestyle and mindset changes, nutrition, and mindfulness meditation are used in order to outline an aligned path towards healing. I specialize with children, teens, college students and young adults. Whatever you are struggling with, there is always hope ahead that it will get better. Come connect your mind, body, and soul into alignment. I am looking forward to working with you and helping you manifest the goals, state of mind, and balanced feelings that you envision for yourself.

location-map Old Bridge, NJ | (732) 290 4291

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We are a specialty practice focused on relationships, and healing relational trauma. Whether you struggle in a present relationship, or need a space to heal from remnants of the past, we can help you create something new for yourself and your family. View 7 Photos Located in Old Bridge, NJ, we serve our local communities and the rest of the state of NJ online. We offer Individual Therapy for kids 8+, teens, and adults. We also offer couples therapy services, family therapy and parenting help. For NY residents, we offer services through telehealth.