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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Park Ridge, NJ

location-map Park Ridge, NJ | (914) 801 8291

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Have you been trying to accomplish something for a long time ...and it's not happening? You want to be at a different place in your life than you are. Even though you think about it over and over again; with feelings of frustration, anger or depression, it's hard to get motivated. We all feel stuck at times in our life. It can be an important time for you to think about things in a new way. It's a wonderful time to consider being in therapy. You can gain new understanding which will bring about change. My work is insight oriented; helping you to gain a better understanding of what's going on. Issues of depression, anxiety and relational problems. I specialize in troubled relationships with food, eating and body image; Also bereavement, complicated grief issues and working with people who have mentally ill family members. Within a framework of insight oriented psychotherapy I have studied different techniques such as Art Therapy and Inner Relational Focusing. If that sounds like it might be of interest to you, we can explore how it can be helpful in your therapy.