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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Tinton Falls, NJ

location-map Tinton Falls, NJ | (856) 209 4835

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It is most important for us to have a positive and successful therapeutic relationship where you and I trust one another and work together for your success in therapy. I am here to truly serve you while providing your life with hope, happiness, and meaning. With over 20 years experience in counseling and saving lives, I look forward to working with you. My mission is to truly serve others while healing an individual's mind, body, and spirit with the highest level of excellence, professionalism, and compassion. I have experience in treating depression, anxiety, anger, stress, couples/relationships & self-esteem As a licensed professional counselor, my life mission is to help you reach your full potential. I value building a strong positive relationship and meeting you where you are at. I value your opinion because no one knows your life better than you. I look forward to working with you to provide you with the skills needed for positive coping & successful living.

location-map Tinton Falls, NJ | (372) 091 4303

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Life is a series of challenges. Society reinforces quick fixes to be happy. I am realistic and believe that living the kind of life you desire is not about avoiding distress and challenges. It is about learning skills and having the right tools to function while feeling distress and facing those challenges. True growth occurs in the face of discomfort, so therapy is not always easy. I provide a safe space while you go through those times of discomfort. It is the willingness to tolerate that discomfort and when real transformation and empowerment occurs. View 5 Photos Knowing how common postpartum depression is, I am passionate about increasing awareness, prevention and treatment of perinatal and postpartum mood disorders. I also have extensive experience treating various forms of abuse and neglect after providing clinical services to adolescents with a complex trauma presentation for more than a decade. After working with adolescents for many years, my approach is one that is genuine and practical. The complexities of human nature are endless, and as such, while I utilize both Cognitive Behavioral interventions and Acceptance based approaches, I tailor my approach to the needs of my client.

location-map Tinton Falls, NJ | (733) 490 6305

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Life is a series of hurdles we must cross before we can proceed to the finish line. I help clients to find the most effective and efficient way to make their way over the unique hurdles of their lives. Clients who are looking for more than getting by will learn the tools to take their lives to the next level. Sport is a metaphor for life and all of the lessons that we learn from sport can advance us in life...and vice versa. View 7 Photos I specialize in Solution Focused therapy to address Athletic Performance, Women's Issues and Adjustment Issues specifically with Adolescents & Young Adults. Goal-setting is my passion and inspiring others to see that all life's challenges are here to help us grow and can be overcome. I am about removing the obstacles to peak performance in sport and in life.