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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In San Miguel, NM

location-map San Miguel , NM | (575) 216 5507

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Therapeutic services are meant to be a completely individual experience and will be treated as such with compassion and without judgement. Oasis Therapy strives to provide support, encouragement and offer resources that can be applied to daily life experiences. Each and every client can achieve personal growth and strength while working to begin a new journey towards a positive path. I strongly believe in working in a cohesive partnership with clients by utilizing their strengths to help them work through their challenges and achieve their goals. I do not work from a specific therapeutic modality, but rather a combination of many modalities to best meet each individual clients' needs. I understand that finding a therapist who is right for you and can help you with your needs can be difficult. As your therapist, my role will be to guide you as you take steps towards positive life changes that lead to healing and a healthy mind.