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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cold Spring, NY
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Cold Spring, NY | (917) 832 1892

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People thinks you have it together all of the time. Really, you are overwhelmed spending all your energy making it look so. No one would know you are highly stressed, both at work and at home. You take care of everyone else's needs before your own, and while its exhausting, you feel too guilty to put yourself first. You have always succeeded in school and in work because that was what was expected of you. However, you know you are not living your truth. You know it's because you never took the time to figure out what truly fulfills you. As you try to sleep your heart pounds while you criticize yourself for not being good enough. While you are a pro at appearing “OK”, what's the point of obsessing over how you look to others when you are suffering with no end in sight? You have had enough and are ready to make a change. You want to live life without the constant negative self criticism. You want to relax and feel joyful and present with your loved ones. You want to sleep peacefully. I will help you care for yourself in a new way. I will help you get clear about the life you want, create a plan and actualize it. If you are ready to feel more peace and get a good night's sleep, email me to schedule a free consultation. I know how busy you are. I can meet in person or virtually, one less appointment to commute to in your stressful day.

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