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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Delaware, NY

location-map Delaware , NY | (607) 862 5341

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We feel uncertain, afraid, and conflicted when going through hardship. And we often are self-critical at our low points, yet we all suffer in these ways. There are understandable reasons why we struggle that have nothing to do with our worth as people and everything to do with experiences we’ve had. Through no fault of our own, we internalize a lot of unhelpful stuff that we can carry with us. I believe that therapy at its best can help people break free from old emotions, habits, and stories that are not useful anymore. And I believe therapy has the potential to empower people to live more healthy, present, and authentic lives. Initially, I work with people to gain a mutual understanding of their challenges, desired changes, and how counseling can be beneficial for them. My focus is on forming partnerships that involve a balance of compassion and challenge. Similarly, my aim is to promote greater clarity along with active steps through curiosity, creativity, and experimentation. My background includes a doctorate from the University of Minnesota, 15+ years providing therapy, and 10+ years of providing clinical supervision to doctoral interns. I am mindful of the different needs people have and strengths they bring to bear. No matter your reasons for seeking counseling, I'd welcome the opportunity to talk about your concerns.