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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dutchess, NY

location-map Dutchess , NY

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location-map Dutchess , NY | (845) 203 9419

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Ready to talk about it? Let's start therapy together! I work with children, adolescents, and adults all across the gender spectrum and in the LGBTQIA+ community. I provide education to families, discuss concerns related to gender and sexuality, and review the co-occuring mental health issues that sometimes accompany different gender identities. For trans individuals, the world of puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, gender-affirming surgeries, and changing name markers can be overwhelming—I'm here to help with that, too. I’m happy to write gender-affirming letters for procedures or institutions. My style is warm, strengths-based, and empowering. You will not be laying on a sofa (unless you really want to!). We are equals in our relationship: I won’t pretend to be an expert on your life, but I am a partner in your growth. Sessions will feel like conversations with a friend. Sometimes we’ll cry but I'll make that we laugh, too. I'm excited to get started in our work together! Reach out for a phone consultation.

location-map Dutchess , NY | (845) 206 0881

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*NOT ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS* Choosing to make time to work on yourself can be a difficult, but invaluable decision. Seeing a counselor can provide the assistance necessary to cope with everything from everyday life stressors to a major life crisis. By using an eclectic and collaborative approach, I am confident that I will be able to help you develop the skills needed to fulfill the goals you have for yourself and your well-being. I have been able to help individuals struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, co-occuring disorders, grief, relationship difficulties, and substance abuse. I also have experience helping women navigate the prenatal and postnatal periods, as well as the difficulties of being a parent. Change can be difficult, but it is possible. You do not have to suffer in silence and wonder if things will eventually get better. Asking for help is the first step.