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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Erie, NY
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011989 | New York

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Welcome! I have been a clinical therapist for 20 years in both New York and North Carolina, specializing in trauma, anxiety, and relationship issues. I have experience in various treatment approaches to ensure that your goals are being prioritized at your pace. In my professional career, I have been privileged to work with many people to achieve a level of stability, progress, and peace of mind that they never thought possible. I have extensive experience working with people who are coping with trauma, grief, and personality disorders, and am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. I am also certified in CPT and DBT, and have been a DBT trainer. As a certified mediator I have expertise in relationship issues which include trust, conflict resolution and communication skills. Research has shown that a strong relationship with your therapist is the most crucial element of success in therapy. I approach each person with unconditional regard - meaning that you are inherently worthwhile and of value. All of my interactions build from this. I look forward to working together.

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It can be difficult to find the time and space for self-reflection and self-healing in this fast-paced world that demands so much of us. Maybe you're feeling stuck in circumstances, relationships, and/or a lifestyle that doesn't fulfill you. Maybe you're attracted to the idea of forming healthier habits but struggle to put those ideas into action. Maybe life has handed you losses or transitions that are making stress or grief hard to manage on your own. All of those feelings are hallmarks of the experience of being human from time to time. Fortunately, you don't have to deal with any of it alone. My goal is to support you on a journey of self-discovery that will make you more accepting of your identity, able to communicate your personal needs, and more effective in living a life that truly reflects your values day to day. I provide a person-centered and trauma-informed space where trauma processing and internal commitment to change can safely occur. Sometimes reaching out to a new person, like me, when you're already dealing with a lot emotionally can feel intimidating. However, it may be your first step to treating yourself like a priority. Self-exploration with the support of a professional can be an incredibly rewarding path to a holistically balanced existence. I would be glad to walk with you.

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