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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Forest Hills, NY

location-map Forest Hills, NY | (631) 593 5620

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I am a New York State licensed clinical psychologist with office in Smithtown, Forest Hills & Murray Hill. I specialize in the neuropsychological assessment of individuals with special needs. My clientele includes children, adolescents & adults with genetic disorders, epilepsy, intellectual disabilities, autism, concussion and traumatic brain injury, sex chromosome differences, dementia and acquired brain disorders. I also work extensively with children who present with learning disorders, including dyslexia, problems with behavior and attention (e.g., ADHD and Conduct Disorder), and/or who require academic modifications for giftedness. View 8 Photos The evaluation process will uncover areas of cognitive, emotional and interpersonal strengths and weaknesses, clarify diagnoses and aid in developing a comprehensive treatment plan, including accommodations for school, work and high-stakes testing. The evaluation process includes an extensive clinical interview that allows the patient and family to provide a history of the areas of concern and enables younger patients to become more comfortable with the process. Testing requires 10 or so hours, usually over several sessions, depending on the patient's need.

location-map Forest Hills, NY | (646) 553 5072

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I help sensitive and explosive people find the root of their upset so that they can stay in charge of themselves. Unmediated anger ruins relationships. The kids hide, the partner threatens to go and the colleagues call you a "screamer" behind your back. There's another way. I know how to follow these feelings back to the root. How did this fight get born? How did it grow? Who taught you how? Once you get to know yourself, you won't be surprised by a surge of feeling. It's an old friend. You'll know what to do because you've done the hard work of naming them in session. You will feel like people know the real you. I welcome your call or email today. Spend 10 minutes telling me what you are up against and I'll listen hard and tell you whether I think we can get you to a better place and how long it will take. My office is a no-judgment zone. If you are brave enough to come in, you will find compassionate curiosity about how this symptom got built and 24 years of skill in helping you find another way to express yourself and feel your feelings without scaring anyone.

location-map Forest Hills, NY | (646) 603 0333

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As an individual, you may be experiencing a range of symptoms in body and mind that affect your ability to function optimally, to rise, and become your fullest you. In individual therapy, you’ll discover that these symptoms conceal aspects of yourself that yearn to be seen and known by the rest of you. In accessing these buried parts of self, you’ll find that your symptoms become openings through which powerful transformations occur. As a couple, you may find yourselves trapped in repetitive, painful interactions. In couples therapy, you'll begin to transform these interactions into a safe dialogue where all feel seen and known. I work with both individuals and couples. I approach our sessions with warmth, energy, and genuineness, and strive to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual dialogue, where together we embark on your journey towards self-discovery. I also have an affinity for depth psychology and working with metaphor and spirituality as adjuncts to relational therapy. It's often not easy taking that first step to reach out for help when you might need it most, despite feeling called to improve your life and relationships in important ways. I can assure you that I welcome your call or email, so take that step, reach out, and let's see if we'll be a good fit for this work.