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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Franklin Square, NY
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Franklin Square, NY | (516) 703 3922

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It’s no secret that raising a teenager can be difficult. It’s often challenging to differentiate when teens are healthily working through issues or need help from an expert. If your teen is struggling at home, school, or the community, appears angrier or more irritable than usual, has started hanging out with a different group of friends, seems overly anxious, or engages in risk-taking behaviors- I can help! I also lend my expertise to young adults in the midst of life transitions. My goal is to help teens and young adults develop the necessary coping skills to live a satisfying life. I aim to provide the best psychological experience possible by delivering talk therapy and psychoeducational workshops to teens, young adults, and those looking for a change. I also work collaboratively with parents to help meet the needs of challenging teenagers and those dealing with anxiety. If these characteristics describe you or your teen, do not hesitate to visit my website to schedule a free 15- minute consultation call. I am available to help YOU!

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