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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fresh Meadows, NY

location-map Fresh Meadows, NY | (929) 442 0785

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I provide holistic career coaching to individuals who are unsure about their career direction. I work effectively with young professionals, recent college graduates and mid career professionals who are considering a career change or a job change. I also work with individuals who are feeling stuck in their career or job and need to find clarity and support. I offer comprehensive career assessments that assists individuals accurately discover their career path. I effectively assist individuals who are stuck in their job search using proven methods that work. I effectively coach individuals how to turn interviews into job offers. I coach individuals how to network in person and use LinkedIn effectively. I offer supportive Career Coaching to help individuals find their authentic career direction based on their interests, values and passion. I customize my Career Coaching to the needs of an individual based on their personality and current career situation. I provide ongoing support to assist individuals overcome obstacles that they are facing.