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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kew Gardens, NY

location-map Kew Gardens, NY | (929) 445 2107

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Are you looking for a real solution to your anxiety? Do you find yourself dealing with it through a negative behavior, like watching porn, using cannabis, escaping through video games, or drinking too much? Deep down you know that things need to change in your life so that you can perform at your best and show up for yourself and others. You are ready to do the work necessary to make these changes happen in your life and want to take the next step. Together we will identify what your goals are and what changes will need to happen to make this possible. Each session will combine open discussion with structure so that you can explore what drives you to certain thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, develop coping mechanisms to address them, and reach your goals. I specialize in helping professionals and creatives who struggle with anxiety, addiction, or anger. Being dually licensed and board-certified sets me apart from others because of the specialized training and experience that I come with to help you reach your goals faster. Send me a message or click “My Website" to learn more about how I can help you.