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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lake Grove, NY

location-map Lake Grove, NY | (631) 546 7698

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I am now doing teleconferencing with my clients due to these stressing times, it is important to be able to reach out and talk with someone. I specialize in behavioral problems within the family system and with children, as well as adults that suffer from anxiety, depression, ASD, oppositional defiant tendencies, social skills deficits and more. I am a consultant at Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative/FEED and treat women, men and families who suffer from these types of disorders. My practiced is based on cognitive and behavioral therapies. In my program, I identify the underlying issues and conflicts and help the family members reach mutually agreed upon strategies to help alleviate negative conflicts. I have an additional program for adolescents through adults. "Meet a Friend, Keep a Friend" is a social skills program to aide those who suffer from social anxiety issues, as well as ASD. My experience working at agencies/clinics such as Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative/FEED, Little Flower Child and Family Services, UCP and several school districts as a Behavioral Specialist/Therapist and Mental Health Counselor, has helped me to create successful programs to help families and children to the path of mental wellness. Let me help you.