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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Massapequa Park, NY

location-map Massapequa Park, NY | (631) 510 4003

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Have you been wondering if your teenager's behavior is normal? Do they tend to be overly emotional, irritable, depressed, or anxious? Are they an overachiever who panics when overloaded with schoolwork? Do you feel lost in trying to provide support to them or angry because the support you provide isn't enough? Parenting teens can be an overwhelming and frustrating process. If you are on this site you have made the first step in getting the help you seek. I specialize in Adolescents and Young Adults. I've worked in mental health settings and schools. As a school based therapist and former guidance counselor, my experience is working with teenagers on issues of depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. I offer individual therapy to teens, young adults, and parents. "Being a teenager is as difficult as living with one. And we've all been there. Perhaps that's the reason we're so hard on them." -Melvin Burgess