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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In New Rochelle, NY

location-map New Rochelle, NY | (914) 368 7959

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Seeking support in your mental wellness journey? Together, we can gather the tools needed to accomplish your mental wellness goals. I am a licensed mental health counselor in New York State who specializes in treating children, teens, and adults experiencing some of life's complex challenges including; anxiety, depression, self-esteem, school issues, relationship issues, and trauma. My therapeutic process is simple: creating a nurturing and trusting open space for my clients. I believe therapy is a place to grow and achieve wellness goals while using a range of modalities to meet each client's uniqueness. View 35 Photos My goal as a Latina therapist is to provide a wide range of treatment modalities to create interest in learning, autonomy, and self-direction in order to best treat each individual client. Some modalities used in treatment include mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and solution-focused. At Healthy Minds Westchester, your mental health matters. I offer private, affordable, holistic counseling services conveniently throughout the Bronx and Westchester. Take charge of your mental health today!