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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ontario, NY
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Do you struggle with difficult emotions? Feel that something is missing? Unsatisfied with aspects of your life? Working together, I can help you learn to understand your feelings; untangle complicated emotions; increase positive experiences, improve communication and relationships; end cycles of depression and anxiety. Sometimes you feel the need or desire to initiate change. Other times change may present itself in a way that leaves you feeling that you have limited or no influence over your circumstances. I help people deal effectively with change. Is it time to prioritize what is important to you? I work with individuals and couples removing barriers, initiating and navigating change that leads to a life they value and enjoy. If these sound like goals you have and you are ready to move forward we will be a good fit for working together.
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