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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rego Park, NY

location-map Rego Park, NY | (929) 357 2160

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Reaching out to a therapist can be challenging. Especially when life has already become overwhelming. When you reach out, I will do my best to make the experience comfortable. If you are struggling with feeling stuck, empty, or misunderstood give me a call or shoot me a message today. Using a trauma-informed approach, I can work with you to break out of unhelpful cycles, overcome obstacles and build a life of your choosing. Moving at a pace that is comfortable for you, we can take a closer look at what is working for you and what may no longer be serving you. As we process the different concerns and themes that come to the surface, you may feel lighter, more at peace with yourself, and more present in your relationships. When you're ready to reach out, I am ready to help in whatever way I can.