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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rocky Point, NY

location-map Rocky Point, NY | (631) 910 7696

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As a seasoned psychotherapist I primarily treat survivors of abuse, PTSD and mood disorders in young adults and adults. I strive to attentively listen to what is said and unsaid and observe your non-verbal cues, aiming to uncover hidden rationales, unresolved experiences, and traumas affecting your well-being. By delving beyond the surface, we can explore and bring to light the thoughts and beliefs you carry that influence your emotions and behaviors so that they can be properly processed and addressed. Our therapeutic alliance is built on trust and openness, allowing us to confront anxieties, depression and unresolved issues head-on, rather than avoiding them. By confronting what you avoid, we can understand your past and present experiences, gain valuable insight into yourself and make meaningful transformations that extend into your daily life. My goal is to help you build resilience, engage in self-discovery and promote healing. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of your inner world, fostering healing and self development.