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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sullivan, NY
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Sullivan , NY | (570) 906 0168
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Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you feel trapped in a pattern of addiction, compulsive behavior, hopelessness, stress, or sadness? Are you ready to regain control over your emotions and improve your outlook on life? Perhaps you've tried getting help with your struggles but were failed by a "one size fits all" approach. I offer customized treatment plans that are centered around YOUR individualized goals. Whether you are new to therapy or feel like you've lost hope after multiple attempts to get better, look no further, as I can assure you a unique therapeutic experience that leads to healing and growth! Let us work together so that we can develop a plan to help you get your life back! I provide supportive, nonjudgemental therapy sessions for adolescents and adults seeking help with life's challenges or looking for a personalized approach to getting clean and sober and healing the underlying issues that stand in your way to freedom and happiness. I understand very well that addiction and mental health symptoms impact all aspects of a person's life, whether it be emotionally, financially, legally, occupationally, or relationally. lf you feel ready for a change, schedule a FREE consultation to see if we will be a good fit together. I look forward to partnering with you on your journey towards recovery!
089196 | New York
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