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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Clermont, OH

location-map Clermont , OH | (513) 224 6385

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Waitlist closed until January 2024. Are you tired of feeling depressed or anxious? It’s exhausting being stressed out, burned out, or overwhelmed. I help people get back on track. You want to feel happy, calm, and more balanced. But, you find yourself tripped up by memories, challenging relationships, or having big reactions to little things. These are common reactions to childhood, workplace, or systemic trauma. If you are a parent breaking family cycles or a burned out helping professional, I specialize in helping people break out of unhealthy patterns and cycles to find a path towards healing. Reclaiming yourself is possible! You want to recover and find the joy in your life and work so you can be the helper, parent, and community member you want to be. Clients tell me my approach is welcoming, collaborative, warm, and playful. Using proven tools and approaches you’ll learn to calm your nervous system, explore your values, and find your balance. I get it! You thought you could stay focused on the future, leave the past behind, and never thought it that would be so hard to move forward. You can build confidence and feel more effective in your life, work, or parenting. Please call or email to schedule a free 15 minute consultation. I look forward to working with you!