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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 2 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Delaware, OH

location-map Delaware , OH | (740) 233 6357

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Licence Information:

I.1201425-SUPV | Ohio

location-map Delaware , OH | (614) 412 2158

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It is our personal journey through life that shapes who we have become today. Working with individuals in a safe and therapeutic environment, we approach the root cause of present concerns. This becomes an essential step in the healing process. Understanding more about ourselves allows us to find meaning in our perceptions of the world in which we live. Today I actively counsel individuals of all ages, helping them identify and become the best versions of themselves. I offer a laid back approach while exploring root cause trauma. I have experience helping others through inner wounded child work, in-person EMDR therapy and trauma healing. Since you made it this far, you are ready to begin a journey to positive mental health, one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. You are ready to make the next step.

location-map Delaware , OH | (740) 513 2306

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Derrick is an independently licensed psychotherapist with supervisory designation in the State of Ohio. Prior to his career as a traumaologist, he start out his life in public safety. Starting out as a EMT-Basic and furthering his education becoming a EMT-Paramedic, he also obtained his Professional Firefighter I & II certification. He worked in the fire service and served in various roles including EMS Coordinator, Captain, HAZ-MAT Level A Technician, Advanced Arson Investigator, Fire & Safety Inspector, among other roles. Having been bit by the adrenaline bug, He transitioned into law enforcement, obtaining his Ohio PEACE officers certification and commission. He has served over 12 years of combined service service the citizens of the State of Ohio. In 2008, he was seriously injured on-duty and from that injury forced to leave public safety. That time in his life was very difficult and at times very dark. Seeking out help, he discovered psychotherapy and EMDR therapy. Having been diagnosed with CPTSD, he went through EMDR therapy and accredit that to saving his life. As a patient, he experienced both the good and the bad of various clinicians and knew that he wanted to give back and raise the bar for the standardization of care for first responders and other victims of trauma. Derrick enrolled at Liberty University and obtained his undergraduate in counseling and his master of divinity in chaplaincy. After two years of service in chaplaincy, Derrick knew he wanted additional ways to help other outside of faith experiences. He enrolled at Ashland University and obtained his masters degree in clinical mental health counseling services obtaining his initial licensure as a professional counselor. Working towards his independent licensure (3000 additional hours with combined supervision), he worked in various settings including a trauma informed middle and high school, community mental health center, and a mental health residential center. While working, he developed the model, mission, and vision of what is now Traumaology. In addition to working with patients, he also works with agencies in creating policy, procedures, and training initiatives to assist staffing, first responders, medical staffing, and area businesses. He also provide free educational tips and advice through various social media outlets. Derrick’s passion and desire is to walk with individuals and couples who are struggling with overwhelming life experiences, crisis, and trauma. His primary method for treatment with patients is EMDR using interpersonal neurobiology through a trauma informed lens.

Licence Information:

E2001724-SPUV | Ohio

location-map Delaware , OH | (614) 618 4585

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As co-owner of Achieve Psychological and Academic Services, LLC, I provide comprehensive evaluations and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for children, adolescents, and young adults. I specialize in evaluating for and treating conditions including: Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia), Anxiety, and Depression. I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and a skills-based approach to my work with individuals. I emphasize the establishment of co-created goals for therapy and ongoing monitoring of progress towards these goals. The focus of sessions include relaxation training, coping skills development, positive self-talk, and behavioral activation.