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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hocking, OH
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Please call me Faith. Having lived and worked in Hocking Co (Ohio), for the better part of 35 years. If you're looking for a comfortable setting, with a calm atmosphere, then you've come to the right place. I specialize in anxiety, depression, bipolar, and trauma, and working with adults, ages 18 and older. If you're looking for insight, experience, acceptance, unconditional regard, and a healthy dose of wisdom, email or call today. If you need the best in clinical expertise in Hocking Co, look no further. PLEASE note, if you send an email, check your junkmail folder for a reply, as they often land there first. View 13 Photos I have a B.S. in psychology, a M.A. in professional counseling and hold a LPCC-S and LICDC. I work with individuals, providing compassionate counseling. I also occasionally do seminars for married couples, women and more. I am also trained in EMDR therapy. If you're looking for a counselor with years of experience and with a laid-back, easy-going atmosphere, who is incredibly proactive concerning your improvement, then you need look no further. Please call and schedule an appointment today. You should not have to wait another day to find hope, purpose, and a positive outlook for your future.
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