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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lucas, OH
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Is everyday life starting to feel overwhelming and stressful? Do you need help to remain in recovery and cope with life? Are you dwelling on things from your past? Wherever you may be, I will meet you there, and help you on your own personal journey. I offer strengths based individualized counseling services to treat addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief. Don't wait another day to as I can provide Telehealth services! Give me a call today! Qualified SAP
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12/15/23 Accepting Clients (please visit our website). Where do you go when your heart needs a safe place? Dealing with depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, and all the unexpected stresses of life is hard, especially alone. At The Heart's Haven we specialize in providing a safe and comfortable space to sort through life's issues and take some pressure off of your mind and heart. I provide a confidential haven to support you in learning how to love and take care of yourself. "Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” View 7 Photos I am EMDR trained and currently accepting new patients. I have extensive experience working with adults, children, and couples. I pride myself on providing client centered care focusing on you and your needs. I specialize in anxiety, depression, trauma, marriage therapy, and substance use disorders. My clients describe me as personable and nonjudgmental. 567-246-9010 The first step in the process is the hardest. I work with an amazing team of therapist at The Heart's Haven who are ready and willing to help you through this process. When you are ready to start healing your heart, please take the step with me. I look forward to meeting you. Learn to heal and begin living a fulfilling and purpose filled life.
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