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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Yellow Springs, OH

location-map Yellow Springs, OH | (937) 756 9855

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Have you spent your life overachieving, working hard, taking care of others, doing all the right things, and yet thing aren't working out how you expected them to? Are your relationships very often one-sided, where you give a lot but no one takes care of you? I see you. My practice focuses on those who have "done all the right things," and are wondering why things are still so hard. Unfortunately, being hard on ourselves, working hard, achieving all the things, and taking care of everyone around us doesn't often lead to the sort of healing and peace we long for. My approach is warm, flexible, and engaged. My clients appreciate that I balance between listening and affirming, but also offering feedback, resources, and ideas. Sessions are a collaborative process where we work together to understand you, your history, and your relationships. Together we develop strategies for healing and recovery. While I see a wide range of clients, many of my clients have struggled with narcissistic family members or partners, dysfunctional families (now and in childhood), depression, and anxiety. Having experienced infertility, pregnancy loss, religious trauma, and grief myself, I also particularly welcome clients who are struggling with these issues.