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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Delaware, OK

location-map Delaware , OK | (918) 323 2134

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I work with individuals who are ready to invest in themselves. I am EMDR trained. My clients are those who have either past trauma, depression, anxiety, or other barriers that are holding them back from living their lives to their fullest, and they are ready to do the work to address the root of their issue and gain true healing. My clients are coming to this platform to find personal, professional, and even organization level growth. They recognize that what got them here, won't get them there - and they are ready for that leg up to help them to their next level, and on the path to reaching their authentic self. View 5 Photos I am a Licensed Professional Counselor- Supervisor, and a Registered Play Therapist. I use EMDR, and incorporate a lot of CBT into sessions as I feel this is an excellent way for individuals to understand their thoughts and the impact thoughts have on their moods and behaviors. I also embrace client-centered approaches and the principles of existentialism. I have been working in brain health and leadership for 12 years now, and the one thing I have learned, is that every individual is unique and has unique needs. I love to think critically, dig deep, research, and help my clients get what they specifically need out of their own personal therapy sessions. Contact me, and together we can cultivate your growth.