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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cottage Grove, OR

location-map Cottage Grove, OR | (541) 631 5080

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Are you looking to increase connection, joy, positive moods, and strengthen healthy relationship with yourself and others? I specialize in a Mindfulness and Somatic/body based modality called Internal Family Systems (IFS). IFS allows us to gently and safely reprocess old wounds, work on what is most important right now in your life, and help you return to your core natural state of connection, purpose and authenticity. It is deeper than traditional 'talk therapy', as it gets to the root of trauma and attachment wounding, often based in childhood difficulties that result in patterns of anxiety, depression, grief, and dissociation. I hold a certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, and offer support in integrating psychedelic work, from a HARM reduction approach, to folks already on that healing path. I am also licensed in Oregon to facilitate Psilocybin sessions. While this seperate from my counseling offerings, it can be a beautiful and deep addition to your healing journey. I hold online counseling space for adult individuals and couples. Please email or call for a free phone consultation. With 20 years experience in mental wellness, I meet you exactly where you are, with absolute non-judgmental acceptance and a strong sense of ease, warmth, trust, and respect. I offer sliding scale $120-$190/session and bill OHP/Pacificsource.