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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Josephine, OR

location-map Josephine , OR | (458) 203 3839

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My focus is on helping clients to connect with their own inner resources of strength and wisdom, and to transform patterns that are no longer serving them. I help clients who are survivors of trauma and chronic stress; healing from PTSD, anxiety, and depression; grieving; on journeys of personal growth; and reclaiming their self-esteem and boundaries. I believe that everyone has within them the capacity for healing and resilience. I use a blend of neuroscience-informed and body-centered therapy approaches, to help your mind, body, emotions and nervous system create new patterns of safety, presence, and connection. I specialize in using EMDR therapy to treat trauma and anxiety. EMDR therapy engages the mind & body’s natural healing process, to tap into your own inner resources and to resolve past distress and trauma. I also use mindfulness, somatic therapy and parts-work, to help explore and strengthen your ability to feel calm and connected. My approach is relational, holistic, and collaborative, and tailored to your unique needs and goals. You are the expert on your journey. I am here as a supportive guide helping you navigate.