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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Linn, OR
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Are you frustrated with anxiety? Let's get connected! My calling has led me to support women struggling with stress, anxiety, and relationships to lead a more empowering, spiritual, and fulfilling life. Together, we will work to gain insight, find stability, develop a positive self-image, and heal from pain. Through a neutral, self-compassionate lens, we can safely explore your vulnerability through which you will gain strength to fully live how you choose. By utilizing mindfulness, we will elevate your awareness, tackle intrusive thoughts, and help you heal in the way you feel most empowered. View 4 Photos The therapy relationship is held in a sacred space which allows emotional energetic information to flow into our conscious awareness and to be released in a gentle, healthy way. We will explore your spirituality, and connections to the universe using energy awareness and occasional oracle cards. I invite you to have fun while exploring your values! Taking the first step to contact me can begin your healing journey. Please email me to connect. I wish to help you find yourself, maybe for the first time. Being in a therapeutic relationship provides the needed base for exploring the world, taking chances, and growing. Let us get you into your life.
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