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Today is January 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Union, OR
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Sometimes getting assistance is the difference between lasting change, or staying stuck in an increasingly devastating cycle. Depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, stress and conflict are just a few things that can be overwhelming and make life and relationships difficult to manage. Most people find themselves in this position at some point in their lives, and having the right person to navigate you through is invaluable. Luke will evaluate your situation and customize a treatment plan addressing your unique needs and goals. We specialize in treating individuals and couples. Utilizing evidence based practices, such as cognitive behavioral therapy we work together to identify goals, understand conflicts, discover new options and empower informed choices. While Christian values are an inherent aspect of Foothills Counseling, out of care and respect, we will not impose our beliefs. We would love the opportunity to serve you. Contact us and we will schedule you with Luke or one of our other counselors. Our website is a great resource to learn about us and access our client portal which includes a calendar to make an appointment. Email, call, or website we look forward to serving you.
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