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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wasco, OR
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Interested in removing obstacles in the way of a more joyous and meaningful life? I'm here to help. I offer a strengths-based, collaborative and client-centered approach to finding solutions to a wide range of life challenges and psychological issues Drawing on (and trained in) a multitude of evidence-based styles and techniques, I work with adults, older adolescents, couples (gay and straight), to help each client identify and achieve his or her personal therapy goals. I am also a certified practitioner of Reiki, which is a powerful yet gentle stress-reduction technique. I am trained and experienced in effective approaches to resolving a wide range of mental and emotional conditions experienced by civilian and military-connected individuals, including depression, bereavement, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trauma-related symptoms and conditions, life transition issues, relationship concerns and more. (Topics blog: I see many clients who are themselves therapists or other medical professionals. I also welcome veterans and active-order service members and their families, as well as persons for whom it is important to work with a therapist friendly toward various gender preferences/identities and/or religious affiliations.
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